0.14.0 (2025-02-21)
- Fix student sorting
- Show loading indicators when loading exam and attachments
- Add librespeed speed test for debugging
- Fix apps sometimes opening other apps
0.13.0 (2025-02-14)
- Reduce excessive calls to CouchDB when getting student stats
- Fix sorting of answer history
- Add nginx caching for attachments and mex
- Improve WS connection error handling
- Fix CouchDB metrics collection not working outside dev
0.12.0 (2025-02-07)
- Allow connecting servers
- Various UI improvements
- Fixes update conflicts in the database
- Internal: Support obfuscated app names
- Internal: Add option to pass parameters to Playwright
0.11.0 (2025-01-31)
- Fixed a critical data corruption bug that would result in student sessions becoming permanently locked up, preventing them from continuing. This bug would also prevent the exam answers from being imported into oma.abitti
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the supervisor from disconnecting replication nodes
- Fixed a bug where student browsers would sometimes not attempt HTTPS connections to the KTP and thus causing nginx to error out. Fixed by automatically upgrading HTTP connections to HTTPS
- Fixed a bug in the supervisor view that would cause the scroll state of the student list to jump around under load
- Added initial support for keeping exam minutes (koepöytäkirja)
- Internal: Start collecting CouchDB telemetry
0.10.3 (2025-01-10)
- Switch KTP replication system from y.js and Hocuspocus to CouchDB
0.10.2 (2024-12-17)
- Majorly improved performance for companion apps like Collabora
- Updated Collabora to its latest version
- Support for new dnd-answer question type
- Available companion apps are now shown in supervisor view after exam is loaded
- Initial steps for CouchDB-based replication have been implemented, and connecting servers to one another is now handled via a new page in the supervisor view instead of environment variables
0.8.4 (2024-11-26)
- Migrated abitti.dev to abitti.net
- Certificate creator will now pass a non-zero exit code on error
- Bug fixes to disappearing answers and answers not showing properly in answer preview screen
- Fixed HSTS issues on some Linux systems
- Restored missing answer sanitization step
0.8.3 (2024-11-15)
- Collabora update to 0.0.9. Performance and bug fixes
- Abicus updated to 1.0.5
- Empty answers are filtered out of answer package
- Fix bug in answer version numbers when extracting answers
0.8.0 (2024-NOV-01)
- New utility app: Klecks
- Draw.io has been updated
0.7.8 (2024-OCT-21)
- NOTE! If you are running server with naksu2, it has to be updated to version 2.1.3 or higher.
- Application to provide better metrics, traces and logs.
- Update certificate creation to not rely on bundled certificates
- Fix bug when screenshot was not found and other bug fixes
- Better tracing for app requests
- Preliminary support for using multiple servers in parallel
0.7.4 (2024-OCT-03)
- BUG: Fix formula copy from cheat
- Add primitive support for locally connecting 2 KTP instances
- Enable mapping of apps to a different port range
- Improve testability of multiple KTP instances
- Add local Graphana stack for log viewing
- Remove Prometheus and Jaeger in favor of Grafana
- Improve telemetry collection
- Validate compose files as part of the CI lint job
- Remove Debian packaging remnants
- Extract chain.pem from certificate generator
- Determine container DNS resolver at runtime in nginx
0.7.0 (2024-SEP-20)
- Upgrade Abicus calculator to version v1.0.4
- Make it possible to use your own domain with a self-signed certificate
- Fix problem with audio test in Safari browser
- Fix error when student ends the test
- Improve collecting OpenTelemetry traces and metrics
- Add Prometheus to visualize docker metrics
- Fix minor bugs =)